de Apoyo Científico-Técnico al Profesional
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Los siguientes libros han ingresado en la colección del SACT:

Molecular diagnosis of cancer / Roulston , JE – Bartlett JMS.New Jersey: Humana Press, 2004 – XI+392 p – 2ª. Ed.
Contiene: 1. Prognostic and Predictive Factors. 2. Assessment of Predictive Values of Tumor Markers. 3. Quality Assurance of Predictive Markers in Breast Cancer. 4. Extraction of Nucleic Acid Templates. 5. Microdissection and Extraction of DNA From Archival Tissue. 6. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization: Technical Overview. 7. HER2 FISH in Breast Cancer. 8. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for BCR-ABL. 9. UroVysionTM Multiprobe FISH in Urinary Cytology. 10. Cchromogenic In Situ Hybridization in Tumor Pathology. 11. Comparative Genomic Hybrization and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. 12. Molecular Characterization of Human Papillomaviruses by PCR and In Situ Hybridization. 13. A Nested RT-PCR Assay to Detect BCR/abl. 14. TP53 Mutation Detection by SSCP and Sequencing. 15. PCR Diagnosis of T-Cell Lymphoma in Paraffin-Embedded Bone Marrow Biopsies. 16. Circulating DNA Analysis: Protocols and Clinical Applications Using Taqman Assays. 17. Microsatellite Instabiligy: Theory and Methods. 18. The Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of the Methylation Status of Myf-3 in Lymphoproliferative Disorders. 19. Quantitative Analysis of PRAME for Detection of Minimal Residual Disease in Leukemia. 20. Determination of Cyclin D1 Expression by Quantitative Real- Time, Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction. 21. Detection of Telomerase hTERT Gene Expression and Its Splice Variants by RT-PCR. 22. Detection of Telomerase Enzyme Activity by TRAP Assay. 23. Identification of TP53 Mutations in Human Cancers Using Oligonucleotide Microarrays. 24. Detection of K-ras Mutations by a Microelectronic DNA Chip. 25. Microarray-Based CGH in Cancer. 26. Tissue Microarrays.

Electrophoresis in practice: A guide to methods and applications of DNA and protein separations / Westermeier R. Weinheim: Wiley – VCH, 2005 – XX+406 p:il. 4a. Ed.
Contiene: Part I. Electrophoresis. Isotachophoresis. Isoelectric focusing. Blotting. Interpretation of electropherograms. Proteome analysis. Instrumentation. – Part II. Equipment and methods. Equipment for part II. Method 1: PAGE of dyes. Method 2: agarose and immuno electrophoresis. Method 3: titration curve analysis. Method 4: native PAGE in amphoteric buffers. Method 5 Agarose IEF. Method 6: PAGIEF in rehydrated gels. Method 7: horizontal SDS-PAGE. Method 8: vertical PAGE. Method 9: Semi-dry blotting of proteins. Method 10: IEF in immobilized pH gradients. Method 11: High-resolution 2-D electrophoresis. Method 12: PAGE of double stranded DNA. Method 13: Native PAGE of single stranded DNA. Method 14: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Method 15: Denaturing PAGE of DNA.
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